Friday, March 12, 2021

Where does the time go?

2013: It's been awhile since I've posted anything here. It's not that I didn't have anything to post, I just get caught up in life like most people. My kids are getting bigger, the farm is getting bigger (at least when it comes to the critters we have), and the days, weeks, months and years seem to be flying by. There are so many things I have planned to do. I really want to take the time to document some of them here. I will post most of the farm related things on my other blog, I don't get many chances to leave the farm, but recently I got a chance to take my girls with me to visit my Aunt Maxine in WV. My Mom had been there for a couple of weeks visiting as well. It was a longer drive than I anticipated since I took the scenic by-ways route (won't do that again). I really enjoyed my time at my Aunt/Uncle's place. When I was a kid, their place was a self-sufficient farm, complete with cows, a horse or two, goats, chickens, pigs, large garden, and fields of corn. They are no longer able to run such a place, so what's left is mainly the memories. Wonderful memories of visiting on weekends and during the summer. We spent time sitting on the porch talking and watching the hummingbirds fight over the feeder. We drove into town and had lunch. We drove across the bridge connecting WV and Ohio so the girls to "touch the Ohio ground" and walk down to the Ohio river. Drove by a beautiful house we had seen years before on a previous visit. It was for sale at the time and had the most amazing multi-level yard. The house was at the base of a hill. As you walk up the steps, you come to a flat garden area. Walk up more steps to another garden area. There must have been 6 levels. At the top level, you can see over the house and see the Ohio river. Just beautiful. The last full day of our visit, we walked down to the creek and though my Mom, my Aunt and Emily (my youngest daughter, age 9) decided that was far enough, Sarah (my 11 year old daughter) and I decided to continue our walk up to the top of the hill. We made it to the top and was able to see for miles all around. I did a 360 video of the scenery and imagined having a farm house sitting up there. To be able to sit on the porch and look out on the beautiful countryside would be amazing. Coming back down the hill, I took mainly the game trails. Sarah was concerned about us getting lost, but I told her to trust me and sure enough, we made it back down to the creek. Sarah was very happy to know we didn't get lost out there. The best part about that day was when, on the way back up the path to the house, Sarah took my hand and said she loved me. Wish I had that whole experience on film to watch over and over. I hated to leave, but my Mom traveled back to Virginia with us and stayed for a few days before heading back home to Louisiana.

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